Xeno Classix • A Mix of Then & Now
101 portfolio samples from the early ’80s to the present

Logo: Xeno Design, 1981
Poster: Memphis/Chicago, CITY Store, 1983

Print Ad: Max Finkelstein Retrospective, 2013

Promotion: RadSport FC, Consolidated Papers, 1986

Editorial: Art Direction Magazine FC, 1982

Poster: G. Leblanc Corporation, 1988

Brand Identity: Earth Mothers Cafe, Chicago, 2003

Poster: Earth Mothers Cafe, Chicago, 2004
Web Page: Xeno KEF Music Mixes, 2020

Website: Jan Peterson Child Development Center, 2013

Collateral: Celebrate in Chicago, 1985

Promotion: Fashion is Sensation, 1987

Print Ad: Tiger Tiger, 1980

Direct Mail Promotion: Sears, 1989

Print: Celebrate in Chicago, 1985

Poster: Chiron Vision, 1997

Website: AxSys Information Server, LA/AD, 1993

Poster Series: Coyote Technologies, 1996

Vehicle Graphics: Goodguys Rod & Custom Assoc., 1998

DVD Packaging: Bliss Kitchen, 2008

Collateral: Earth Mother’s Menu Design, 2004

Print Ad: Jan Peterson Child Development Center, 2006

Architectural Signage: Panasonic Factory Solutions, 2005

Publication: Show & Tell/AoL, Zimmer Museum, 2009

Collateral: Jam Bass, Kellar Bass Systems, 1998

Collateral: Xeno Postcard, 1990

Packaging: KEF CD 156, 2015

Packaging: Remo Ndjuka Walking Stick, 1996

Print Ad: Remo/Tribute to Louie Bellson, 1996

Publication: Remo World Percussion Catalog, 1995

Xeno Animated .gif, 2018
Website: Developmental Client Care Industries, Inc., 2024
Website: Ann Isolde, 2021

Poster: Xeno / modern visual design, 2023

Promotion: RadSport, Consolidated Papers, 1986

Website: Michael Glascott Illustration, 2020

Poster: The Center, Hyatt Regency | Chicago, 1987

Poster: Xeno / modern visual design, 2024

Print Ad: G. Leblanc Corporation, 1987

Editorial: Zoetrope, 1979 – 1980

Editorial: Creativity FC, Advertising Age, 1988

Publication: My Book of Books, Jean Edelstein, 2014
Website: Sandy Bleifer, 2021
Website: Carol Goldmark, 2016
Website: Gilah Yelin Hirsch, 2017

Promotion: Chicago Hotel Guide Series, 1987

Poster: Celebrate in Chicago, 1986

Print Ad: Glitter and Be Giving, AmFAR, 1990

Promotion: Productolith, Consolidated Papers, 1985

Collateral: Remo Kid’s Percussion, 1995

Collateral: Remo Drumset Brochures, 1994

Website: XenoDesign.com, About Us, 1997

Direct Mail Promotion: Spectrum Pool Care, 2003

Identity: Kauai Center for Holistic Medicine, 2006

DVD Packaging: 9-Palms, Xenoflix, 2007

Collateral: Jan Peterson Child Development Center, 2000

Signage: Integrated Care Communities, 2013

Signage: Out of the Fire, 2010

Publication: A Gathering of Sparks, JAI, 2011

Logo: Allen-Bradley, ICCG, 1988

Packaging: KEF CD 155, 2015

Signage: Jan Peterson Child Development Center, 2010

Product Graphics: Remo Spirit Drum, 1994

Poster Design: WBBM-TV2/Chicago Bears, 1986

Print Ad: Remo Drum Therapy, 1995

Website: Visit Desert Hot Springs, 2018
JPCDC Staff Apron, 2019
Website: Andrea Raft Studio, 2017

Editorial: Boraxx FC Design, 1981

Promotion: Reflections, Consolidated Papers, 1984

Editorial: City Magazine, 1981

Signage: Spectrum Capital Group, 2006

Publication: My Book of Books, Jean Edelstein, 2014
Website: Downtown LA Realty, 2017
Website: Jewish Artists Initiative of Southern California, 2020
Poster: Memphis/Chicago, CITY Store, 1984

Promotion: Chicago Hotel Guide, 1988

Print: Vivacity, Chicago Tribune, Spring, 1988

Logo: Club Pure, 1998

Direct Mail Promotion: Sears, 1989

Print: Remo Drumhead Catalog, 1995

Packaging: Jam Bass, Kellar Bass Systems, 1998

Website: Lavender House, 1997

Direct Mail Promotion: Spectrum Pool Care, 2003

Collateral: ICare Home Healthcare, 2007

Signage: Street Banners, ICare Communities, 2014

Signage: Street Banners, ICare Communities, 2014

Collateral: Show & Tell/AoL, Zimmer Museum, 2009

Publication: A Gathering of Sparks, JAI, 2011

Promotion: FunZone, Consolidated Papers, 1989

Print Ad: Arrston Volaju, CITY Store, 1984

Packaging: KEF CD 157, 2015

Signage: Jan Peterson Child Development Center, 2010

Packaging: Remo Kid’s Percussion, 1995

Print Ad: Astra Photo Lab, 1988

Event Signage: JPCDC Pre-School Graduation, 2015

Editorial: Down Beat Magazine, 1985

Website: LaborersADR.com, 2018

Xeno Animated .gif, 2018

Publication: SoCal Impala Club Newsletter, 2000

Website: Bruria Finkel, 2020